1 in 5 of your customers are being hijacked.
Yes, you just read that correctly. Shocking isn't it.
Affiliate-jacking, injected coupons, banners and popups are cleverly redirecting your customers to competitor sites which result in you losing valuable revenue.
We don't think this is fair so we developed SiteShield to protect you and your customers.
A brief video explaining what we do.
Here's a real-world example from the website of leading retailer Argos, with and without SiteShield. Just drag the divider left/right.
... and now you understand why we do what we do.
Unfortunately websites globally are being targeted by this new form of customer hijacking. Targeted ads, served through ad-ware downloaded onto your users machines, try to steal your website's users from under your nose.
Competing companies directly eat into your profit margins, discounting the products on your website so customers purchase them for less than you intend to sell them for. We've seen companies lose over 25% of revenue from these tools. And, it's entirely avoidable.
The Result:
1. It's not easy - It's not easy - It's taken our team a long time to work through these harmful technologies, and build solutions that work, despite being extremely skilled in web technologies and DOM manipulation. Many companies, don't have the skill sets to find these technologies and protect against them on a daily basis.
2. It's not a one-time exercise - These adware hijackers stay on their toes often adapting to avoid detection. Every time this happens, our developer team re-evaluate and tweak our code to ensure SiteShield continues to operate and protect you. These changes are automatically pushed out to you, and your users. Needing to stay on top of all of these technologies is a full-time job, most scalable when a single company (SiteShield) solves the problem for multiple organisations.
3. Time to value - You could be up and running with SiteShield in just 15 minutes. That's potential lost revenue you've saved. Yes... 15 minutes is all it takes!
If you've scrolled this far, you clearly understand there's value in what we do. Perhaps you're not sure if these problems affect your website, and that's ok.
When you get in touch with us, we will:
1. Take a look at your site, and see which adware/malware affects it (if anything).
2. Come back with screenshots/videos showing you the extent of the issue.
3. Let you decide if you'd like to do something about it - no pressure.